2010年2月4日 星期四



導演:法蘭克‧廸麥可│演員:阮文萍 周蓉詩


《JUMEL孿生姊妹》是法國劇作家 Fabrice Dupuy最耐人尋味的作品之一。劇中這兩個女人彷彿是一體的兩面,並且自成一個世界,她們彼此依賴,同時也嚴密監視著對方。每個晚上例行的用餐是她們倆最重要的儀式,她們扮演著對方指派的角色,直到對手筋疲力盡;而語言是她們倆共同的武器,同時也是活著的依據。

本劇特邀資深劇場人王墨林擔綱製作人,由法國導演Franck Dimech為莎妹資深演員阮文萍與周蓉詩量身訂作,此劇在二OO九年十一月在馬賽以法文首演,即受到各方好評與矚目,媒體評論譽為「完美的表演」。二O一O年於台北演出中文版之後,將繼續在歐洲法語地區巡演 。

Jumel is one of the most interesting pieces written by French play-writer Fabrice Dupuy. In the play, the two women are like two sides of a whole and form a world of their own; they depend on each other, but they also monitor each other rigorously simultaneously.

The routine dinner every night is their most important ritual; they request each other to act in appointed characters and perform until they are both exhausted. Language is their mutual weapon and is also the evidence of their existence.
Under the cooperation of the French director Franck Dimech and actresses from Shakespeare’s Wild Sisters Group Juan Uen-Ping and Chou Jung-Shih, the play debuted in Marseille in French and received positive reviews and popularity; the local press also commented the play as “a perfect performance.” The Mandarin version of the play will be performed in Taipei in 2010, and the French version will continue its way in French speaking regions in Europe.

6/17-6/19 19:30 Thu-Sat
6/19-6/20 14:30 Sat-Sun
* 6/20 14:30 為法文版演出
票價 500 元

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